Saturday, June 7, 2008

June 7 - Hell Hath No Fury... a Woman Scorned.

My friend helped me come up with 2 tasks for the weekend since Scott is in town: (1) get the financial lowdown, (2) don't be a bitch.

Um... I think I failed miserably.

I just don't know how to behave through the haze of devastation, hurt, and fear. I want to honor God and my ideals, be strong and full of grace. I want my children protected and happy. I want to believe in happy endings and not burn any bridges.

Then his cold empty brown eyes turn on me, and I die inside. My resolve is gone. I lash out, turning into the mean girl he already sees. Damn it!


Anonymous said...

Wow, you can't win this one. He complained that you didn't show your emotions enough before, but now if you show any emotion you're being a bitch? Bullshit. I think it's time to "be a bitch." You need legal boundaries before he gets a chance to further destroy your financial, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Don't leave yourself vulnerable for the chance of a happy ending. Even if he did a 180 right now, this isn't the kind of person you want to hold your heart anymore.

~two~ said... are mean? Hah! ....and building a life with someone....promising yourself to them forever...having three kids with them...being by their side through a terrifying cancer scare...and then all of sudden having no feelings for them....isn't mean? No...I guess is worse than is cruel and punishing...and beyond that it is BULLSHIT!!!!!