Thursday, June 5, 2008

Book Review - A Marriage Without Regrets

I feel like I could have written a better review when I was half-way through the book. At that point I had a good sense of the value versus the annoying parts. Now the book ideas are all jumbled up with my personal emotional life, but I'll give it a shot.

The value: Strong Biblically-based points with my favorite parts being the value of the husband and wife and the unique ways we are wired by God to work together.

The annoying stuff: A little preachy, as if she has all the right answers. And I cringe at being called "Beloved". I mean, who talks like that unless they're over 50 and have been raised in church-world forever?

Verdict: definitely worth skimming, but I still think it takes two to make a marriage flourish without regrets.

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