Monday, June 30, 2008

June 30 - Learning

Things I don't want to do anymore:
- Love conditionally. I tend to withdraw when I’m displeased or upset by a behavior or situation. This is not healthy; it violates the law of respecting other’s boundaries. It sets up fear in others and removes security. I never meant this result, or that I didn’t actually love (Scott, the kids, my dad). I just didn’t know how to process things I didn’t like.
- Push down feelings “out of respect” for others. I'm learning to evaluate what a particular emotion, especially sadness, anger or fear, stems from. I choose to express the emotion in the moment, without punishing others or becoming passive-aggressive. I will own my feelings. Then I aim move on.
- Compromise my values for the sake of someone else’s feelings. Because at the end of it all, I want to stand tall with integrity.

Because relationships are precious...

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