Sunday, June 22, 2008

June 22 - Because this is about me

So, since Scott doesn't read my blog because "it doesn't make me feel good" and my no-longer-friend probably won't read it because she can't bear my blatant selfish-ness and obvious child abuse, I can be free to write about me!

This is a place I process my thoughts and record my experiences. My life is a pretty open book. If you choose to spend a few minutes reading along and following my journey, great! I welcome constructive input.
Just a warning, it may be a bumpy ride. And, while many other wonderful characters weave in and out of the tale, I will always be in my own story.


Anonymous said...

Nice picture, pretty girl!

~two~ said...

I come to your blog to check in on I am glad you plan to make yourself the main character!