Friday, November 21, 2008

November 21 - Checked Off

Went back to see Dr. Shulman for a checkup on Tuesday and realized I’ve been making that drive to the hospital every week or two for almost a year an a half! (Doris, the parking attendant, & I are on good terms.) As annoying as it has been to fit that into my schedule and deal with health and body-image issues, I liked the security of knowing my doctor was there for me. I still feel like she is rushing the tattoo process so she can “check me off” before she moves to Florida next month.

Unfortunately, her business partner is not someone I am happy to transition care to either, so I will have to look elsewhere (and probably out of network) for any further procedures.
Nipple reconstruction surgery may be an option down the road as the scar tissue loosens up and I get older and saggier. I hear it’s also common to need ink re-applied or surgical lifts done.
The tattoos are healing nicely, but the color didn’t take completely, so I’m scheduled for follow up shading and conturing December 10. With mixed feelings, I guess I’m hoping that will be the last trip I have to make through the parking garage to the 5th floor office that has changed my body shape (mostly for the better!) forever.

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