Sunday, November 2, 2008

November 2 - Halloween Memories

You know how people tell you the first holidays in your new family situation (i.e. widowed, divorced, re-married) are tough? They weren't kidding. Why, oh why do I set myself up with such high expectations?!

Halloween is my favorite holiday because I love the cool weather and baking and candy and pumpkins and snuggling and fall colors and friendly neighbors and of course costumes. After years of Christmas not quite hitting the mark, Halloween has become a BIG DEAL to me. So I had a packed agenda Friday, half of which didn't happen, causing me to spend 1/2 an hour curled up in the fetal position bawling on my bed. Not productive, but did relieve some stress and make my eyes look appropriately scary for trick-or-treating later.

After some arguing and stomping around (kids and me), and having to call Scott in for backup, the kids agreed to go trick-or-treating and visit my friend Ame's amazing party with me. The weather was stunning, the neighborhood was friendly and I think once we started everyone had a good time.

Next year will be even better. I will (1) have costumes completed ahead of time, (2) not bake on Halloween, (3) schedule only ONE fun family thing to do and spend the rest of the time grinning and screeching happy "BOO!"s at people.

Hope everyone else's holiday was amazing!

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