Wednesday, October 22, 2008

October 22 - Nipple Woes

FAIR WARNING: Graphic content.

Yesterday morning I had the follow up with Dr. Shulman for scar checks and a decision on the next step. I was all prepared to schedule the last surgery to create nipple buds and figured we could wrap this process up. I was ready to enjoy my new normal: bigger, symmetrical breasts and realistic looking and feeling (from the outside anyway) nipples. No such luck.

She informed me that my skin is too elastic and tight and the risk of non-healing isn't worth going through the next procedure. Boo Hoo! She also told me she is moving her practice to Sarasota, Florida at the end of the year. She said that over time (like years) my skin will probably loosen up and I could visit Florida for follow up procedures. (Side note: two kind friends have already offered to take the trip with me :-D)

Probably because I'm sick (fever 102 degrees) and feeling a little emotionally fragile from an over-busy weekend and interactions (none bad) with Scott, this sent me off the deep end. I just want to feel sexy and normal! Why is my body rejecting me? Why can't my life take one easy turn?!

And before any really helpful people write or call to tell me how lucky I am to be alive and enjoy my fantastic children and blah, blah, blah. I know. I don't need to look on the bright side all the time. Today I'm just feeling a little sorry for myself. I'll perk up tomorrow when the antibiotics kick in.


Arin said...

I think it sucks. Plain and simple. You DO have a lot to be thankful for but that doesn't minimize the sucky factor to this. I'm sorry.

love you

~two~ said...

Hey...just a thought...some people...adventurous, quirky, and interesting people find normal dull and anormalcy very alluring...

You already are sexy...nipples or not!