Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wild Woman Tribute - Ame

I first discovered Ame working in data entry at Memorial Home Care, when she sat in the desk behind me and could answer all my repetitive questions about which paper goes where. I have grown to love her as a close friend in the three years since then.
She has wild, spiky hair and fantastic fashion sense. She is absolutely loyal to what she cares about, with sharp criticism for what doesn't seem right to her. She is an organization and home improvement queen, with more skills than I could ever develop. She always has a project in the works and is known for her knitting and crafty flip-flops.

We share a love for Halloween and non-traditional adventures. Her family sets up the most elaborate display, complete with animated coffins and spewing monsters.
She is fun to be around and has a true heart. She takes care of me in many ways, and I am blessed to count her as a friend. Thanks Ame!

1 comment:

Arin said...

Hey, I noticed you left a comment on my friend's mom's Caring Bridge site. I was so surprised and HONORED that you did that. I mean, WOW Mel, thanks for doing that. And even more, thanks for praying. I love you!!

p.s. Read my blog about Danny's knee and then tell me it will all be fine, OK?