Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11 - Some Anniversaries Suck

Today is the memorial day of our national terrorism tragedy. I am also reminded that exactly a year ago I had my double mastectomy, and my life started to forever change from what I had hoped and planned.

Today I held four different patients and listened to their stories while they cried. Each is in her own stage of recovery or dying. Each has a severe, life-altering illness. I watched the 9/11 anniversary news coverage over the shoulder of a 90 pound lady with lung cancer while she practiced her leg exercises. I rocked with a young woman who hasn't been out of bed in three months because of severe pain. I tried to connect a woman with lasting chemo effects with a support group, but all she feels is hopeless right now.

I know that feeling. Today is a hard day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are an angel, Mel, touching people's lives in so many ways. I'm so proud of you, Sister.