Friday, July 4, 2008

July 4 - Backsliding

All that well-intentioned self-growth I've been talking about for the last couple months? Gone. Spent the afternoon with Scott and most of his family. Felt like crap. I can't fake happiness and I can't just let it go.

Everybody else is fine, acting like life is normal. Like what's the big deal? Like there isn't even a need for a conversation about the giant elephant in sitting on my head and making me hyperventilate.

I feel like my life is destroyed; everything I invested in emotionally, physically and financially for the past 14 years invalidated by Scott's whim. Makes me want to scream obscenities.

It's messier than trying to clean up the Lego store in our basement! Am I the only one who sees that?


~two~ said...

You are not the only one who sees this. They people you spent the day with are basically cowardly when it comes to being real about such situations. That is the way that they have dealt with all the simalar situations throughout their history.

You have a right to be frustrated by this. You have a right to everything you are feeling. You also have a right to discuss it with them.

But, concern for what the kids are hearing and facing on the daily basis is important too. I know you are concerned about this too.

You are balancing way too much all by yourself right now.

But, I commend you for being more courageous than everyone else around you!

Love and prayers! Tracy

Anonymous said...

Poor Meli! I can imagine that no one else knows exactly how to act, it's probably a weird situation for everybody. So, they try to act "normal", and you're left alone with the reality of how much this whole thing just SUCKS!