Saturday, July 26, 2008

July 26 - Early recovery stage

Surgery went well, just under 3 hours and a much better waking up experience. I was actually coherent and not in excruciating pain - bonus!

Hospitals are great high-tech places full of caring people. However, they are NOT restful. I had vital sign checks every hour until 10:30 PM, tubes stuck in, tubes pulled out and what I am sure is half the pharmacy supply of fancy drugs with even fancier, trippier drugs to combat the side effects of the first drugs. Wheeee!

Good thing I was a little loopy, because I had to call the nurse assistant about 25 times to shut off my bunk neighbor's screaming IV beeper. Poor lady. I think she was about 105 years old, refusing to eat or drink the entire time we shared a room. Kem and my mom stayed with me in shifts, and were sure the little centarian died at least twice yesterday.

So I'm glad to be home where it's quieter, and I can access Facebook and blog again. (-; It helps to be able to see straight, too. High doses of Benadryl made my eye muscles so lazy I couldn't even see to text properly. Sorry if any of you got completely incomprehensible messages from me! And no promises that I'll say anything understandable all week... I think I need to lie down.

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