Thursday, July 31, 2008

July 31 - Ye-a-ouch!

I followed up with Dr. Shulman today. After decreasing amounts of reddish-yellow stuff were dripping out of me, she decided to pull the drain tubes out. Oh. My. Word.

Fortunately she and Cathy, the awesome assistant office-manager everything person, have done this A LOT. They have a system down. About the time I thought I would scream, it was done.

Of course then I pretty nearly passed out.

How embarrassing! I had to spend 15 minutes reclined with cold compresses and sips of water to bring my head back into the land of the living. I have absolutely no control over this. One minute I'm conversing sanely, the next everyone sounds really really far away and my forehead is tingling, a moment before all is dark.

Anyway, spent the day on Percocet with my feet up, under strict instructions to "do not much of anything" for 2 days. I may get used to this...

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