Monday, February 9, 2009

February 9 - Spiritual Gifts

Today I learned about another broken relationship in my community, and it makes me very sad. I ache deeply for the couple trying to figure out their next best steps through the pain. I desperately want to figure out a way to support them and soothe the hurt. I considered that I feel this so acutely because of my own experiences in the past year, but the more I think about it, the more I realize I would have felt this way before.

I think I might have the gift of Empathy, if this is even a true spiritual gift. If the Holy Spirit displays God's power through each of us as a means of helping the entire church (1 Cor. 12:7), I could see where empathy could help communicate God's love and truth to people who are hurting, both in an evangelistic sense and within the church membership.

In me, I'm pretty sure it's God-given because otherwise I'd be one cold fish! This understanding helps me value others for what their unique experiences are and to identify with where people are coming from. It's not especially convenient however. It means I cry whenever I see someone else hurting, and most of the time I feel like I don't have the right words to fix it.

Today I am especially challenged to figure out how best to use this "gift" and make a difference for my friends. What are your spiritual gifts? How have you used them recently? I'd love some feedback!


Anonymous said...

I think I have this gift too. I constantly struggle between being a bleeding heart for my friends and knowing how to feel their pain and maybe really help them in some way. :)

Arin said...

Mel, you told me once about a year ago that you thought I had the spiritual gift of discernment. That's something I've thought a lot about. I guess I think it's true but must be a hard pill for people in my life to swallow at times. I think sometimes it gets in the way of my compassion. Just a thought...

Summer said...

I do not have this empathy gift. Sometimes I think it would be better if I did. I've thought for a long time I have the gift of honesty, then recently read a book titled Fierce Conversations. This book said to think about what you "are", like honest or empathetic, and figure out in your life where you weren't then applying this. It was one of those ah-ha kind of moments. There are areas in my life I choose not to be so honest, like if I said all the things I really think about a situation to my mom, it would just be hurtful to her. I'm glad somewhere I picked up the gift of a filter. I realize this isn't a spiritual gift, but I believe, for me, it's a gift from God.

Anonymous said...

I do believe it is a spiritual gift, especially in someone who is open to be led by the Holy Spirit to reach out to others! Often it isn't so much "what" you do that helps people, as it is knowing that you care and will listen and understand their feelings. As you well know Mel, the feelings you've had to experience this past year, are not something that can be understood completely until you've gone through it. So, you are now able to reach out and help those who are in similar situations more than others who haven't lived through it. You can also share what things have helped you get through and give them a perspective of hope, despite the pain and difficulty. That my friend, can mean a world of difference to someone. And I think that is using your spiritual gifts as God would want--to help others for His glory.