Thursday, May 29, 2008

May 29 - My Peeps

This will probably become a repetitive theme, but it is such a core blessing to me that I can't stop talking about it. I am surrounded by love and support in a way I have always longed for, in true community. It just sucks that it required the most trying circumstances in my life to bring this to reality.

Here are some examples just from yesterday:
- Seth's teacher and school nurse have both offered support through the summer months and with school-based support programs for next year.
- Several of my co-workers have offered to help with household renovations/maintenance.
- My super-busy friend Arin came over and jump-started the "moving-rooms-around-so-mommy-has-personal-space" process.
- My insurance pre-approval process for counseling actually went relatively smoothly, requiring only 2 phone calls to secure coverage over the next 6-8 weeks, without making me feel like a loser.
- My cool friends Ame, Sarah, Kem and Lisa joined me at for laughs and a girls' night out at Hacienda and the Funny Bone.
- Oh, and this is from a few days ago, but Deb got my hair right at last.

Thank you to all who are reading along, praying, and believing in the best for my family and me. You touch my heart and soul.
(I can't believe I'm feeling so mushy; I can't even blame PMS!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad things are going so right in the middle of things going so wrong! You have good friends- not the kind that just hang around for fun, but the kind that rally when things suck. Yay for quality peeps!