Monday, May 19, 2008

May 19 - So, What's Up?

I have been waiting a few days, fiddling with creating artsy banners (which I need professional help with!) or at least trying to capture a flattering picture of myself (also tricky by myself). I distract myself with these trivialities waiting for "my first big post" to create itself in my head. However, at this rate, it's never going to happen, and I've lost patience with myself. There's no way to write one little update to describe everything that's gone on in the last 3 months.

So I will start small. Or rather, I will start with the most life-changing, faith-wrenching, and challenging detail. In March, Scott (at left) decided to move to Washington state to manage his brother's dental practice. (I was going to hyperlink to the website, but it doesn't really go anywhere.) He left with 2 weeks warning, no childcare arrangements and no guarantees. Oh, and he also decided he doesn't feel like we have any reason, besides the kids, to be married anymore.

We've spent the last three months exploring how really expansive this relational chasm has become. My whole world is upside down. However, I am blessed with the best childcare option possible. God gifted my children and me with Geneva, who comes to the house 3 days a week when I work. She's a cool Grams, brings her funny pug, and loves the kids through all their adjustments.

I'm still in the physical reconstruction process as well, but I'll save that for another day.


Lara Barrett said...

Hi, brave sister! I'm glad you're blogging again, I like to read your posts. And now, my words of wisdom: No matter what, always remember that you're beautiful, funny, genuine, thoughtful, smart, resourceful, and wonderful in countless ways! There will always be people in your life who need you, value you, and love you for who you are. I'm blessed to have you as my big sister.

Arin said...

Amen, Lara.

You are LOVED Mel, just as you are.

~two~ said...
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~two~ said...

Hey....great to have you back on your blog!

Thank you for being courageous enough to be open about your life. Living with integrity brings healing. The definition of integrity encompasses many things including transparency. I am glad you are sharing your feelings and your reality.

You are fantastic!

Katie McCormick Liverett said...

I am so proud of you for letting others in to your world. I know it is a scary place, but God has you right where He wants you right now. It isn't pretty, but it is beautifully broken. You are a masterpiece. Don't forget Who you belong to.