Sunday, November 11, 2007

November 11 - Adventures

This is how much better I am. Scott took off to California for a week to help his mom move and I'm holding down the fort (and frequently one or two children) alone. There's nothing smooth about regular life with work and three kids and a 91 year old gramma babysitter.

So the temperature dropped precipitously and the wind was whistling Dixie through the cracks in the windows. The local EMS guys came by with another friendly neighbor and helped take the 200 pound air conditioner out of the lakefront window. That helped!

Then we lost all power just because that's what happens in this neck of the woods. The kids and I had to get across town, but the automatic garage door had us trapped. So I called California for technical support, got the door manually released, but had to hold it up with both hands by myself. Still stuck.

So Seth (who's 8) had his first driving lesson. My toes, the mailbox across the street, and my screeching hysterical voice were all in danger of extinction for a few seconds. Future reference: point out the gas and brake pedals and gear shift, then reinforce that he does not need the gas to ease out of the garage. After shrieking back and forth in the Volvo wagon a couple times, he got the hang of it and we were both on an adrenaline high and on our way.

Last but not least, I freaked out and thought I had developed another tumor when I felt a hard lumpy area on my top left breast. My kind friend Shelly was here, confirmed the lump, then asked reasonably, "is there one on the other side?". Well, sure enough. Suddenly it hit me - I had found the input valves for the tissue expanders. Hmmm. I not only have a healthy dose of needless paranoia, but thin skin as well. Who knew!

See all the fun Scott's missing?


Lara Barrett said...

This post elicited a "snort laugh" from me. That's a high honor, funny sister!

angelawilh said...

Hey- I loved your story about the garage door. You were very brave (and apparently very desperate) to try putting your son behind the wheel while you held the garge door! Hilarious.