Wednesday, August 8, 2007

August 8, 2007 - Oncology

Cancer aside, today was a great day! We just got back from spending the afternoon at Lake Michigan with our good friends the Holts. I just wanted to take a minute and post an update.

Yesterday, August 7 @ 9:45 am, Mel had an appointment to see the Oncologist. Apparently it was Two for Tuesday or something at the Oncology clinic. That place was packed! Maybe they were offering, Buy One Blood Test, Get One Free. Suffice to say, about 90% of the population was there. A lot of people with a lot of health challenges. I admire the people who can work in that environment and choose to, on purpose. I almost felt guilty about how much I was enjoying my Tootsie Pop. (Hey, there was a basket of them right in my face. I couldn't resist!)

Anyway, we were finally granted admittance to the exam room and Dr. Ansari showed up promptly. Mel and I were both very impressed. I can't put my finger on why, but we both liked him a lot. He was professional, informative and sympathetic. He first asked Mel a lot of history questions, then did his own exam. He was very diplomatic about exploring all of our options, and was prepared to send Mel for an MRI to pursue a possible lumpectomy. It was pretty clear, though, that the best option was the one Mel and I had already discussed: Bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. Because of her age and how early it was discovered (she's at Stage 0), she could have the surgeries and continue on with her life. No need for radiation or chemotherapy unless something else is discovered once they've tested the tissue after surgery.

Dr. Ansari did, however, want to have a bone scan done as well as a CAT scan. He wants to rule out the possibility of ovarian cancer or any involvement in the chest wall. He said regardless of the outcome of that we should proceed with the breast surgery. So, that is all coming together. Mel spent about an hour, after meeting with the doc, scheduling the wide assortment of tests and appointments necessary. I wanted to stay for that part of it, because I love that kind of stuff, but I had to go to work.

Today, August 8, Mel went for the bone scan. She arrived at 8am and voluntarily let them inject her with some radioactive isotopes. Crazy, I know. Then they set her free to roam the countryside for 2 hours without even making her wear a biohazard suit or face mask. At 10am she was back at the clinic for the scan. She said it was her favorite kind of test in the world. They put warm blankets down and covered her up, and she was instructed to lie still for a while. She said, "No Problem!" and proceeded to take a well-deserved nap - well, almost. We're supposed to know the results next week.

Tomorrow, Mel's scheduled to meet with the plastic surgeon, Dr. Shulman. After meeting with her we'll know more about the extent of surgery needed and have a better idea of the timeline.

We're going to PA for the weekend (we're leaving tomorrow evening), so I may not be able to post until next Monday. Mel and I appreciate all of the calls and emails, you don't know how much. Thank you for keeping her in your prayers.

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