Sunday, February 28, 2010

February 28 - Performances

The last month has been packed with school-related evening events. Since we aren't really a sporty family, this is unusual. However, I'm thankful to be in a school system that considers music and public events of mainstream importance and not just fringe extras. Skyler had a musical program with the 2nd graders where he got to dress up as a farmer and fight off the evil "weeds" from another class. He also got to present his writing about what makes a good leader to honor the school board last month.
Seth had a fun evening of dancing and singing to rock 'n roll classics with the 5th grade class, and was proud to actually participate in the fancy footwork for the first time. This past week was his school's Fine Arts night, featuring writing workshop books, dioramas and art work throughout the school building. It was also his trombone debut with the first band concert. He even performed a solo version of Hot Cross Buns.

Naomi's kindergarten play is coming up in a couple weeks and she's already prancing around and singing. Pretty cool stuff.

1 comment:

Lara said...

Those kids are so busy being awesome! Auntie is proud.