Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 6 - Oncologists Scare Me

Not in a big hairy monster or serial killer kinda way, but more like a "Crap, this can't be good" kinda way. That's what it feels like when the cancer doctor calls 2 years after he's dismissed you and requests an office visit ASAP. So I went. Now I have some updates to deal with. I'm going to try to stick to facts in this post in case someone wants to know what's going on. But I'm still scared.

I had genetic testing done, which 2 years ago did not indicate any links that increased my cancer risk. Now they have more info and have determined that I have a "deleterious mutation" that puts me at very high risk for breast cancer (sure enough) and a clinically significant risk for ovarian cancer (great). Pancreatic, colon and laryngeal cancer are also associated but not specifically linked.

Apparently since I opted for the double mastectomy I pretty much eliminated that problem. Whew. However ovarian cancer is a silent killer that now needs to be addressed. My doctor's recommendation is for surgical removal, not tomorrow but the sooner the better since risk increases exponentially with time. I meet with the gynecological oncologist/surgeon next Friday and will know more then. Meantime my imagination is running wild with thoughts of surgical pain, expense, menopause and loss.

There is also the unfortunate genetic lottery that I have passed on to my children. They have a 50% chance of carrying the same mutation and all three will have to be screened regularly starting at age 20. Sorry kids!

I'd ask for prayers, but I don't even know what to request at this point. Good stress management practices? ;-p


Summer said...

I'll be praying for a good news meeting next Friday, and wisdom for you , your Drs., and your family.

Theresa said...

Me too Mel! Hang in there, you are a fighter.

Michelle Wegner said...

Praying for you.

Michelle Wegner said...

Praying for you.