Monday, May 11, 2009

May 10 - Naomi's a Chicken

Well, actually, she played a mama duck in her stage debut "On the Farm". She was so excited, bouncing around the house, yelling her line "Look at all my ducklings!" for days. The boys were less than excited to have their evening video games interrupted by preschoolers, but Naomi set them straight. "This is important to me and we will go as a family." Aww.

Then we arrived at the Performing Arts Center with the small crowd of families and hysteria set in. I was the ONLY parent who had to go back to the dressing room. After 30 minutes of clingy sobbing, I carried Naomi onto the side stage and the teacher pulled her off me with soothing words and a firm hand. I stayed close by, sure she was going to run off howling.
But she surprised and impressed me, making it through the whole program cheerily participating. She sang every song, announced her line, and knew all the moves. At the end she even posed for pictures, saying "that was fun!" Maybe she's not a chicken at all, but a star waiting for the right motivation.

1 comment:

Josh said...

Awwww, Naomi "broke her leg"!!!