Wednesday, December 10, 2008

December 10 - Totalled

This brief account of my auto adventures is for posterity - and to assure everyone that the family is physically safe. Unfortunately, I do not have anyone professional vouching for my sanity or driving skills at this point.

During a momentary distraction (I was moving my purse off my lap), I rammed into the back end of a stopped Honda on my way into work Monday. It's not my regularly scheduled day, so I was sauntering in to help out... till I waylaid myself. The Honda exploded but was drivable; the Volvo scrunched and was not.

After getting it towed to 3 places, I found out the damage was too extensive to be worth repairing. The great news: I have full insurance coverage and State Farm is efficient and helpful.

The yucky news: I have to buy a new car PRONTO! I detest shopping, cars, salesmen, haggling, spending money, paperwork... pretty much everything involved.
The stupid news: I can't find the title anywhere; getting a new one will delay the process by about a week.
The even stupider news: I just spent $250 on brand new tires 2 weeks ago when I had to be towed after the tire shredded on the toll road at midnight in a snowstorm.
Come on... it's so ridiculous you gotta laugh!
This is me trying to find the funniness in life.

1 comment:

Arin said...

What the hell? Yuck, yuck, yuck!