Thursday, August 7, 2008

August 7 - Physical Update

The stitches are still intact under steri-strips. The swelling goes up and down depending on how active I am and maybe what I'm wearing. The bruises are fading to pale yellow, but are still tender to touch.

I can almost stand up straight. My energy level probably wasn't fantastic before, so maybe I'm back to normal. Doesn't everyone need a nap at 10 AM and 4 PM? Pain is minimal and intermittant, feels more like scar tissue tearing inside than anything else.

I had to buy new bras 2 sizes bigger than what I thought I needed. Huh. Not porn-star big, but not exactly a "C" either. I've been doing visual comparisons all week (I had cancer, I'm allowed). There must be a lot of busty girls out there wearing sizes I've never heard of, because most people are still bigger up top than me. I'm not complaining, just observing. I wonder if I get fatter if they'll grow too, or just rest perkily on the tummy rolls. Ew. Now I've grossed myself out and have to go do something else...

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