Monday, January 7, 2008

January 4 - Aaargh!


The wound therapist said I could probably change the dressings every other day, but check just in case... especially the right side which is still about thumbnail sized. So today I checked, and the skin on the left side just wiped right off with the non-stick dressing. What the hell?!

Being a Saturday, there are no other professionals available for consult (short of paging the on-call doc who has never seen me before). I made a semi-educated decision and switched back to the old dressing plan. Good thing I have extra supplies!

I have returned to half-backbends, trying not to drip blood on the bathroom carpet, while I trim and tape multiple layers over what should be nipples. Damn.

1 comment:

Arin said...

Well....that just sucks. No way around it. I'm gonna pray specifically for skin production. One day this will all be a distant memory and you'll have D cups and all of us will be jealous. Hang in there dear friend! You are loved!