Wednesday, January 30, 2008

January 30 1/2 - Massage

I had my second free massage offered by the Breast Care Center last night. Great stuff!

This massage therapist, Tracy, has unique credentials. Aside from the national certifications, she is a breast cancer survivor who had a bilateral mastectomy in 2003 and reconstruction first with saline, then silicone implants. So she has lots of experience with scar maturation and chest cavity mobilization.

We compared stories and shirtless profiles. She showed me several specific stretches and mobilized the pec muscles that are wrapped around my tissue expanders.

I thought massage would be really relaxing and I'd flop to the car like a wet noodle. The reality is that it is more of a therapeutic energy release. My whole body feels more awake and thirsty and ready for whatever is next on the agenda.

I plan to continue these treatments every other week as long as it's needed and I can afford it; the next session is the last freebie.

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