Saturday, January 26, 2008

January 26, 2008 - I'm Proud

It's been a while since I've posted, and I've been wanting to. But somehow when it comes down to it, I don't seem to have anything to say. Weird, huh? Melisa's been so good about keeping everyone updated, and I've been back to dealing with normal life stuff. But it isn't normal. Things are definitely different now.

It's been four months since Mel's surgery, yet she's still dealing with wounds. You'd think she'd have other things to worry about by now, like picking out new bras or nipple shopping. But crap happens, and unfortunately it's happening to her right now.

Having a wound sucks. Having an open wound for four months SUCKS! She still has to deal with showering without getting wet, daily wound cleaning and bandaging, A-Frame hugs and half-filled plastic containers in her chestal cavity.

Obviously she's going through a lot. But if you didn't know about it, you'd never be able to tell. She's back to working a full schedule - Wife, Mom and PT. She's strong. She's happy. And she's kicking butt at life. I'm proud of her.

1 comment:

Lara Barrett said...

I'm proud, too! When I came to visit I was expecting to be "on duty", helping with childcare or housework, or SOMETHING! Instead, I just play, play, played, and had a wonderful time with all of you. So I would like to add "fabulous hostess" to that list of things Mel is able to pull off beautifully, even with all her other responsibilities and aches and pains. She's an impressive woman!