Sunday, September 4, 2011

August 28 - Going Public

Today was an A-Maze-Ing day! Today my oldest son, Seth, chose to demonstrate his faith in Jesus by being baptized. My husband, Dale, wrote a great post about it!
Now there are lots of skeptical opinions out there, about whether baptism is necessary, and how sinful the baptized remain, and the meaningless-ness of this step. But as a sinner myself, I take joy and comfort in the words of our pastor, Mark Beeson:
If you're trusting Christ with your life, if you've shown interest, enthusiasm and passion to follow him, God will teach you the rest. He has invited you to follow him, to "remain in him."
You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. -John 15:3
Seth is 12, and decided about 8 months ago that he was ready. He has never waivered in this decision, even though I made him take notes in church, go to extra classes, and quizzed him about "what he learned". I admit he doesn't always get the whole picture, but really, who but God does?! He is maturing practically overnight, and I am so blessed to love and teach him on this journey.
Congratulations, Seth! We are all proud of you!

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