Thursday, January 8, 2009

January 8 - Attention Deficit Issues

I don't think I have A.D.D., however I'm pretty scatterbrained lately. While there are many clinical factors involved, it's not all my fault...

A ten minute glimpse from yesterday:

Sitting down to check church email while Naomi sat at the counter next to me, paper and paints ready for artistic expression. The two guys were here installing a new furnace, carrying parts and tools up and down the steps. Then I got a phone call from a friend on his way to oral surgery, so I wanted to focus on reassuring him. And I got texted from a friend in California, with questions preparing for the upcoming weekend visit. And IM'd through Facebook from a friend's new romantic interest with general questions while simultaneously an old classmate IM'd with physical therapy questions. I couldn't focus, so I hung up the phone, just in time to get a phone call from Skyler's school nurse to report he was wheezing after running outside in the cold for recess but all was well after sitting still inside for a few minutes. In the meantime Naomi had given herself a black French manicure with acrylic pain and the furnace guys were ripping the old thermostat out of the wall.
Whew! Maybe it's just my life that has ADHD.

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