Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January 21 - Career Counseling

What do you want to be when you grow up? When do you know if you've arrived? Am I a grown up yet? Can I change my mind? How many times?

As I'm raising three kids and contemplating all new life choices, these questions keep coming up. Sometimes it's intimidating to realize I'm guiding small, impressionable people when I can't even figure my own stuff out.

So far, Seth wants to design new characters for whatever latest online adventure is popular. Think Club Penguin, Webkinz, Pokemon. Or design for Lego. (I don't think he realizes this requires an engineering degree, but I'm all for it!)

Skyler has vast career potential. His interest in sharp objects and leadership qualities inspire hope in this momma (think "surgeon"). However, he seems to think training for the knighthood is still an option. Or sometimes he reverts to the plan of "car fixer". Sigh...

Naomi, who is far exceeding preschool academic levels, has her heart set on being "a hair maker." Great.
I am praying for guidance in my own choices as well as supporting and loving my children as they make their own decisions. But if one of them chooses to be a doctor, I won't mind. ;-)


Arin said...

My kids' career aspirations:

B: scuba diver
I: train driver
N: cheerleader
R: pirate

I can relate!

Summer said...

Avery wants to be a mermaid.
I asked Owen he just grunted at me.
Mel, you're doing great. I'll pray for your guidance in this too.