Wednesday, February 16, 2011

February 16 - Energy Crisis

I'm getting ready to pay the most expensive utility bill of my life so far, thanks to a giant propane tank in my yard and a frigid January. Dale is threatening to "go Amish" and make us live by candlelight, and apparently a giant bonfire in the living room since we don't have a fireplace.

I'm torn about this, being a huge proponent of conserving resources and responsible living, but love love loving luxurious hot showers at any time of day. Is there a sustainable middle ground? We recycle, compost, and unplug. Most of our clothes are second-hand. We keep the thermostat at 64 degrees, prompting me to wear my down coat day and night. I'm considering donning gloves as I sit here and type.

I have the kids brainwashed, er, coached into following suit. Family mantras include "we don't waste food", "put on socks" and "turn it down, turn it off". Skyler has taken to unplugging his digital alarm clock every morning, which is pretty annoying when I have to reset it every night, but his intent makes me proud.
Yet we're still facing escalating energy and living costs. My energy cooperative just sent out an article predicting tripling expenses in the next two years due to federal regulations. How in the world are we supposed to pay for that?!? These kids better start looking for jobs!

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