Monday, October 18, 2010

October 18 - Struggling with Sabbath - Part 2

I was raised Seventh-day Adventist, & my father worked for the church most of my life. The Saturday Sabbath is one of their keystones, so I have some experience with the conservative version: sundown Fri to sundown Sat, no money exchanges hands, no secular entertainment (TV, music, games), no homework or chores. As a child, this was an annoyance at best. Kinda dorky to rename all the board games "Egypt to Canaan".

Then I went away to high school. While some of the restrictions were still pesky, I found a whole new level of peace in the mandatory day off. It was a spiritual discovery time of life, along with all the fun hormonal growth.
Then I married a disenchanted Adventist missionary kid. Getting caught up in the legalism & disappointments in fellow Christians, our family shifted away from Sabbath practice. It felt too "because I said so" & lost all meaning of reconnecting with God & family.

Fast forward through 15 years of "just life" - & I long for the peace & connection again. I find some semblance of guidelines & routines comforting. Perhaps in this new season, some of the centuries-old tradition makes more sense to me. Now, to figure out the logistics...

1 comment:

Michelle Wegner said...

I find it interesting too that the older I get the more I long to return to my roots...what was comforting then and what makes sense now. I wrote about it this morning b4 I even read your post. Funny how our minds work in circles like this.