Friday, April 23, 2010

April 23 - Aging with Grace

What's more disheartening than having to tweeze ("plucking" is for chickens) stray chin hairs daily? Discovering some of them are snowy white! When did this happen?! Why is this happenning to me?! Ugh.

For all the cliche sayings about aging gracefully, we as a society seem to really stink at it. Everywhere you turn there are formulas and serums and stretches to fake your way out of it. Which really just makes it more traumatic for everyone. Hel-lo. Getting older is inevitable. Unless you prefer the alternative, but death doesn't seem too popular either.
My friend Linda Bradley and I had the opportunity to present on aging in place and home safety at the Geriatric Consortium last month. She was quick to point out to the middle age crowd that no one really teaches us how to get older, and especially not how to do it safely. We're too busy fighting it off to acknowledge the reality that we change over time.

I wish we could figure out a way to make each aging milestone cool. Acceptable. Valuable. I don't know the answers, but I think we might be missing out on something important. I'll let you know if I figure it out, but just now I noticed how old my hands are looking and I must go apply anti-wrinkle cream immediately. :-)


dale said...

Some of us still think you're... well... super cute. Just sayin'...

Claudine said...

I think that the most valuable lesson on aging came when both sets of grandparents moved close (or in with) my parents while I was still living at home. I think that society today is missing a lot by not having multigenerational homes here in the grand USA.

bubbliepunky said...

lol....this post is nice. I wonder when I will be starting to think like this too. :(