Thursday, June 21, 2012

June 21 - Buried in Bills

Medical bills, that is. And no one is even sick or old in this house!

Earlier this year my cancer doc urged me to go forward with the major girly part removal surgery this summer. (Everyone, sing along: ooo-ooo-oophorectomy, almost as fun as a haha-hysterical hysterectomy!) I was on board, well mostly, then I had a minor medical procedure and a PTSD hospital experience and freaked out. I'm pretty convinced my second marriage wouldn't survive a life-changing medical issue at this point.

It's a good thing I figured this out before signing up, because how can anyone ever afford medical care?! Between some basic well-care issues, my annual ovary check and a little physical therapy for Seth's coordination, we hit our deductible by March and I'm still on budget payoff plans for the rest of the year. We blew through our annual flexible spending account before June and still have 6 months of asthma medications to finance.

Somehow, despite significantly higher co-pays and premiums, our insurance seems to cover a smaller and smaller percentage of care. Which leaves us stuck holding the bills. What part of this situation is "better national health care coverage"?

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