Thursday, August 19, 2010

August 17 - BCYF!

YAY! It's that time of year again. The Berrien County Youth Fair is a grand family tradition. I think I've spent at least a day there most summers for the past 30 years. (Weird since I'm only 29 - wink wink - right?) From entering my own crafts and baked goods, to scoping out cute boys, to pushing strollers and wiping cotton candy fingers, to now whooping and squealing with my kids and new husband on the Fire Ball and ferris wheel.

We sweated through the Continental Circus, which was pleasantly clown-free and featured 10 tigers and a lion. Check out the 4th generation 11 y/o Wallenda girl, on top of the high wire grandstand - NO NET! That may be the most nervous I've ever been for a performer!
We love it all! We watched a baby goat birth. We voted for our favorite Lego display and rabbit breed. We wolfed down korn dogs and pizza and elephant ears. We maximized our ride wristbands. For a solid 12 hours. And can't wait for next year!

1 comment:

Sylvia Escobar said...

We do the same thing (but on a smaller scale). We love going to the local fair and watching the rodeo, checking out all the funny looking roosters, fluffy bunnies, and noisy goats. We saw one day old goats this year--so tiny and cute! And of course, we can never pass up the cotton candy and kettle corn. I'm not sure who likes it more--Edward or the girls! Probably a close tie!--Sylvia