Saturday, August 9, 2008

August 9 - Arrrrgh! Insurance

Insurance companies can be SO STUPID! I'm venting now. This may not flow smoothly...

I got a letter last week that says my medical insurance has approved Scott's psychotherapy visits by his idiot-ass counselor who gave him permission to leave his family and "be happy about it". The guy who told Scott he's "too young (mentally? emotionally? financially?... he's 38 and already been married for 14 years) to be in a serious relationship" is gonna get paid.

However, today I got a DENIAL for counseling for Seth, my precious 9 year-old, who now has to deal with the fallout of his father leaving, his family falling apart and his mother recovering from cancer.
Like being a kid isn't already tricky. Aaaarrrrrrgh!


Kem said...

Call the doctor AND the insurance company. They sure don't make it easy, but you can get it approved. Grrrr.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I have lots of inappropriate bad words for your insurance agency...