Monday, January 24, 2011

January 18 - Wheeee!

In the midst of frigid temperatures and record-breaking snowfall, our family relentlessly continues to check things off our Fall & Winter list. I think we're about 80% finished, with "raking leaves" being a lost cause and "poem-writing" not particularly interesting.

One of my favorite items is "snow tubing". We lucked out with a Living Social 50% off deal to Five Pines, of my middle-school youth church days. Ah, the memories of warming up in the lodge, wishing that cute boy would hold my hand...

Anyway, I brought my own cute boy this time, and our whole gang of smiley kids. We had perfect timing, with all the teeny-boppers crowded into the warm lodge, and the hill free for die-hard pre-teen boys and a few late families like ours.
Everyone trooped up the steps, whooped down the hill, and trudged back up together, while the snow continued to fall.

So fun! Next up: snow forts!

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