Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Shout out to the peeps

OK, I think Scott is falling behind with the multitude of thank you's and funny updates. So, I've compiled a brief, non-descriptive, uninteresting list. I'm sure I've forgotten several someone's... please don't be offended. I'm really grateful and continually overwhelmed (even when I'm not hormonally off-balance) for what you all do!

Thanks to Kathryn for the taco stuff, that was ingenious. Thanks to Judy for the groceries and all the household chores; my mums survive because of you. Thanks to Harry for the awesome crock pot stew which miraculously arrived (via Ame) while I was napping. Thanks especially to Shelly for all the support and picking up and feeding Naomi after preschool. Thanks to Grammy for the great bakery goods - eclairs are our favorite. Thanks to Carrie for the pizza/macaroni. Thanks to Stacy for the full fledged meal - very creative and the cookies were gone the next day. Thanks to Sharon G. and Tom for their kind words and continued offers of help. Thanks to Minu and Dad for the bean dip and cards - we're happy to win at Rook anytime. Thanks to the Michaels and Meyers and our new friends the Jakes for a great evening and the funniest spring break story of all time. Thanks to whoever sent all the paper plates and plastic ware - brilliant! Thank you to whoever sent the beef noodles and the yummy cake tonight. Thank you for the new scented lotions - I'm reserving their use until the wound issues clear up, mostly because of the whole associated-smells thing. I'll have to change shampoos, soap and deodorant, too.

Ame deserves her own paragraph because not only has she coordinated meals for the family and deliveries over the last month from work, but she also spent several hours around the house tonight. She brought extra dressings so the Kotex are on hold for now. She made my house look festive and Halloweeny despite my paltry decorations and actually got Scott to wash the sheets. That girl is amazing!

See, we've been pretty busy, and despite what my doctor thinks, I am eating quite well.


1 comment:

Lara Barrett said...

You have delicious food over there! You have some pretty wonderful people in your life. If I'm ever down and out, tell all of my people to SEND FOOD!