Tuesday, October 9, 2007

October 9 - Today

Today started much like yesterday ended - tired, sore, and more tears. I think I hid it better from the kids, though. Helps that the bus comes before the sun comes up.

Went to see Dr. Shulman, the plastic surgeon, first thing as scheduled. I almost made the medical assistant teary too since I couldn't stop blubbing. So after my sob story, we all decided to wait another week to "pump up the volume". They removed the tapes and stitches (hallelujah!), and have changed the wound care regime. Now I have 2x daily Silvadene goop to put on both sides, and Dr. Shulman said I could cover it with sterile pantiliners. Weird. I'm sticking with regular medical dressings till I run out. She also gave me a rx for Percocet, the stronger pain medicine, because that's the only thing that seems to work at night. During the day I get away with occasional Tylenol or Advil, so I'm really feeling much better overall. I did get a limited work release, so as soon as the medical leave people approve it, I'll be back at the office at least a few hours at a time, probably Tuesdays and Thursdays.

After picking up the prescriptions and a few groceries, I was pretty much worn out and gloomy again. I slept half the afternoon. Thank you to all for your continued comments on the blog, calls, cards and all the great food and supplies. Scott has a whole list of specific "thank you's" and his humorous narrative on the last week's activities, so look for more info soon.

Tomorrow will be better...


Kem said...

Melisa, I'm so glad you're being honest about your two hard days. Nobody has a clue what you're going through and this insight, as hard as it is for us to read, is so good. Even if we can't fix it... we can stop ourselves from saying something extra stupid. And, we know what to pray specifically for. Hang in there. You are loved. It can't get worse. Right? (Was that stupid?)

~two~ said...

Hey Mel, we are thinking of you and praying that each day gets easier and better for you!

Unknown said...

Mel and Scott,

Wanted to know you are still in my thoughts and prayers. I'm glad things are getting better...but that doesn't mean this doesn't suck still...it does. I had fun with you at Innovate. you both are an inspiration to me.