Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March 23 - Hormones Shmormones

Last night I had the pleasure of hearing Connie Chalko, Pharmacist and Certified Menopause Clinician from Mar-Main Pharmacy, present a fraction of her wisdom on hormones. I learned so much in that 1.5 hours, I thought I should write some of it down.

Let me start out by being a flat-out amazed at how wonderfully complex we human beings are. God's design never ceases to intrigue and fascinate me. I work in "health" care, so sometimes I get stuck in all the ways things can go wrong. I also spend a fair amount of time "diagnosing" family, friends, myself. Between my desire to be a doctor and an herbalist (you know, in my spare time), I probably know just enough to be a pain in the tail.

That being said, here are some of the cool things I learned:

- Taking too much Calcium (>1000mg/day for women) can increase your risk for high cholesterol.

- Vitamin D-3 is necessary for mineral absorption and can protect against cancer, bone loss, immune dysfunction, multiple sclerosis, and more. Living in this latitude we are limited in natural source (hello, Permacloud) and supplementation to a therapeutic level (2000 units/day in gel capsule form) is highly recommended.

- The majority of hormone production takes place at night, especially around 2-3 A.M., so if you're not sleeping well you're not going to have the stuff you need to function. Insomnia is often a learned behavior and becomes a vicious hormone imbalance cycle.

- Insulin is a hormone.-"Diet" sweeteners are the devil. I've heard this before, and figure we're all going to die of something anyway, but when she explained the "why" she converted me. All the sugar replacements are molecularly close to toxic pesticide-like substances, and some, like Stevia, are banned in most of the world. But I don't care about that. What made sense to me is that the concentrated sweetness tricks your brain into pumping out lots of insulin, which then doesn't really have a place to go since no actual sugar needs to be digested. Short term, it makes that half-eaten doughnut in the trash look downright delicious. Long term, your body gets tired of being faked out & the insulin-sugar uptake system breaks down. Voila: diabetes, nerve damage, circulatory failure, skin breakdown, etc.

Now I have the family taking Vitamin D-3, and we're weaning off the Splenda. I will miss the sweeter days of innocence, but health is worth it!

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