Monday, February 15, 2010

February 15 - Ooo-Ooo-Ooo-phorectomy

Dale & I met a new cancer doc (gynecological oncologist - whatever) last Friday. Yuck. Let me just start by saying nothing compares to being stripped below the waist and having a stranger tickle your ovaries in front of your fiance. Mor-ti-fy-ing.

Anyway, here's the scoop: I'm not imminently dying. Everything looks ok today. However, there's probably a greater than 1 in 5 chance I'll develop ovarian cancer sometime in the next 30 years. Therefore both doctors recommend at minimum ovary removal, and really suggest complete internal girl-part-ectomy. Sooner rather than later. I'm already in the window of risk based on family history.

The good part? We know now and that cancer is preventable with surgery. The sucky part? Aside from annoying costs and time off work and surgery complications, this is life-changing. Mayo Clinic has a good summary here. Basically, losing hormones leads to premature bone loss which accelerates over time, increased heart disease and dementia risk, insomnia, hot flashes and all kinds of sexual changes. Ugh.

Did I mention I'm getting married next month?! So I've apologized like 100x and recommended he run for the hills, but apparently I'm not scary enough. (insert evil laugh) For now we have follow up screening in 6 months and will make a decision on the next step then. What do you do when there is no "right" answer?


Michelle Wegner said...

I have a feeling Dale isn't marrying you for your ovaries. :)

Arin said...

You know my feelings on this.

This 100% blows.

But we love you. He loves you. And on you go, huh?

Wandering Insomniac said...

he's obviously not a shallow turd and clearly is not marrying your ovaries... you are obviously worth it -- even i, someone who hasn't been in the same space as you since h.s., knows that. quit apologizing. hugs, beth