Just so we're clear, I'm living on Percocet and prayers (with Valium for good measure thanks to the brilliance of my plastic surgeon) right now. So I may be a litle off. Plus it's fivo o-clock in the morning and I can't get comfortable to sleep. But anyway, many ask "oooh, how are you?" or say "you sound so great! you must be recovering nicely." And I probably am, each day it's a little easier to move, and I'm not snowed out on the couch or anything.
However, this is what it feels like...
They searched and found the biggest needle in the hospital and with cheery smiles pumped my left chest full-to-bursting of saline - like you would any turkey you were preparing to baste for the holidays. Then they carved OFF the right side of my chest. Dr. Poulin played his favorite banjo ditty on my brachial plexus (the nerve complex that comes off the spinal cord and down your arm) for half an hour, then they sewed the right side back on - INSIDE OUT! It looks yucky and it feels yucky. Plus it often feels like there's a growly momma gorilla sitting on my chest, and she doesn't want to move.
And sometimes I'm a little emotional about that.
So people pat my head and tell me it's normal and to be expected. I just thought you all might want to know that it doesn't really FEEL normal. So sometimes I might say something that's a bit off color or unkind. Sorry in advance... Sleep well...
Yikes, that does not sound like any fun at all.
I wish we were close by and that Oleg could chef-up something that you are craving!
Hand and Foot anyone? You would have to teach us how to play again.
Melisa... this is authentic. We appreciate the unedited perspective at times. Otherwise, we don't have a clue. I've heard many people say this post was helpful to them. You gave them a piece of the adventure raw & uncut. We can take it... especially when it's balanced with Scott's incredible narratives. You two truly compliment each other. And, we love you. BTW...it's been awhile since we've heard from you. Time for another "Melisa unplugged" post. We're waiting...
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